AMCO is a not for profit organization, incorporated under Ontario law, and managed by a Board of Directors, elected annually by the membership, following its Constitution and By-Laws.
The Board of Directors elects the Association Officers including the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary/Treasurer. The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day business of the Association and provides labour relations counseling and general advice to all members.
AMCO has established standing committees to represent the membership in areas of interest and concern. Each committee, each led by a chairperson responsible for coordinating the activity of that committee.
Committee Functions
Joint Labour/Management
Millwright Trust Funds
Commuting (Travel) Trust Fund
Joint Apprenticeship/PAC
Joint Health & Safety
Fiscal and budget matters
Provincial collective bargaining
Grievances, labour relation issues
Health/Welfare Trust Fund Trusteeship
Commuting travel/board reimbursement plan
Millwright apprenticeship and training matters
Trade health and safety matters
Scholarship program administration
Director nominations
All Directors and Committee Members volunteer their time without remuneration from the Association.